Toddlers Curriculum
Admission Open
The next step is step three which includes our Toddlers. This class ranges from the walking child to 2 years of age. Our curriculum specifically addresses toddlers' rapid growth and development by catering to their readiness indications. The curriculum is focused on preparing for preschool. When they demonstrate interest or signs of developing skills, we can encourage them to move to the next step on the staircase. During step three we pride ourselves on directing the children by using the developmental continuum by, Expressing likes and dislikes, Asserts a desire to start or end an activity, Focuses on an engaging activity for a short period of time independently or with an adult, Helps or participates in an activity when asked, Experiments and role-plays with a range of emotions, Holds drawing/writing tools with whole hand and may use whole arm to make intentional mark, Responds to simple statements and questions, Recognizes the difference between pictures, letters and numbers in print, Says two- to four-word sentences and repeats short phrases, Suggests a missing rhyming word within a poem or song, Follows related two-step directions given verbally, Puts together two to three pieces to create a whole object, Copies patterns with two steps, such as red-blue, red-blue, Compares and orders two to three objects according to size, length, hue or weight. Recognizes a problem and asks for help, Recognizes and attends to authority figures. Recognizes ownership of familiar objects, when prompted, finds or places objects next to, between, in front of or behind self, explores motion by moving, rolling, blowing on or dropping a toy, describes events as they happen. Uses words such as first, then, investigates an object or group of objects in multiple ways, recognizes familiar symbols or artifacts of family traditions or customs, determines which object is bigger (heavier, longer) when given two objects, Groups living things by common characteristics, Notices changes in temperature or weather in the immediate environment, Uses realistic toys as replacements for real objects. Distinguishes between real and pretend.
Subject List( 8 Subject )
Class Schedule
- 1. Social and Emotional Development 3 Class/ Week
- 2. Social and Emotional Development 5 Class/ Week
- 3. Language and Literacy Development 2 Class/ Week
- 4. Mathematics and Reasoning Development 3 Class/ Week
- 5. Social Studies Development 4 Class/ Week
- 6. Science Development 5 Class/ Week
- 7. Creative Development 3 Class/ Week
- 8. Second Language Acquisition Development 4 Class/ Week